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5:00 - 8:00 PM

reserved jams

Many of you who have been part of our community for many years may remember the legendary Saturday Night Jams that we have hosted. We’re excited to announce the return of our Saturday Night Reserve Jam. “Reserve” meaning that your spot is guaranteed with the opportunity to not just play a song or two like most open jams, but have a complete and comprehensive jamming experience for several hours! Additionally, unlike most open jam sessions, we have the most extensive catalog of songbooks that are accurately charted for all musicians, along with lyrics for all singers. And if that wasn’t enough, our highly skilled and fun-loving jam coordinators are always present, keeping all participants’ experiences cohesive, productive, and deeply satisfying. So call and sign up to get your chance to play a collection of songs that you may not have had the forum to play in the most highly organized fashion. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you.

The Reserve Jam will be a broad Classic Rock Genre with a repertoire of material ranging from the 60s through the 80s with the possibility of some newer material depending upon the specific group.

The minimum skill level requirement for the Reserve Jam Session is Intermediate level.

We define this as follows: Must be able to play your respective instrument in time. Melody instrument players must be able to read chord charts. Must have an open attitude toward songs you may not be completely familiar with.

It is understood you have READ THE TERMS & CONDITIONS before signing up!



6:00 - 8:00 PM

Haven't played with others?  Looking for a welcoming, collaborative space?  Music Makers invites you to TWO HOURS of entirely acoustic and classic rock music! 

At our Unplugged Jam, you can play alongside like-minded beginners and intermediate players in an accessible, stimulating, and fun environment.  All instruments are accepted and encouraged to join! 

In lieu of a drum kit, we welcome any and all percussion instruments. 

Want to join our Music Community, please complete your FREE Music Profile.

Need experience playing with others, check out Classic Rock & Blues 101
Music Makers Premier Workshop Program: The Band Experience.


Come jam with us on Saturday, February 22nd, 2024 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Our legendary Saturday Night Reserved Jams are happening at our brand-new facility. Your spot is guaranteed with the opportunity to not just play a song or two like most open jams, but have a complete and comprehensive jamming experience for 3 hours. Access to our extensive library of songbooks accurately charted for all musicians along with lyrics for all singers. A coordinator leads the way to a cohesive and productive experience.
It is understood you have read the Terms & Conditions before you Email musicmakersnewyork@gmail.com to register and a MM representative confirms your slot.

Vocals, Guitar, Keys, Bass, Drums, Horns
You’re invited to our UNPLUGGED Acoustic Jam at Music Makers! Enjoy two hours of classic rock and acoustic favorites with acoustic instruments.

Beginners and intermediate players of ALL INSTRUMENTS are welcome. We will not be using a drum kit for these sessions, but other percussion instruments are welcome! Join us to learn and improve your skills while jamming and making new friends in our studio!

Vocals, Guitar, Keys, Bass, Percussion, Other